The Indian hand in Avatar

While James Cameron's Avatar is creating ripples at the Indian box office queuing up for the visual spectacle, many would be unaware that that an Indian company was part of a team that worked on the awe-inspiring visual effects of the film.

Mumbai based vfx house Prime Focus has contributed a number of shots to stereoscopic 3D film. The movie, which stars Zoe Saldana, Sam Worthington and Sigourney Weaver, features numerous stereographic and 'Holotable' displays, animated graphics, immersive environments and other visual effects created by Prime Focus.

A team of 90 artists which worked on making Avatar a visual spectacle was spread across Prime Focus' Los Angeles, Vancouver and Winnipeg facilities, with President & Senior Visual Effects Supervisor Chris Bond and Visual Effects Producer Chris Del Conte driving the project out of the LA office. The bulk of Prime Focus' work was done for the film's Bio lab and Ops Center, the bustling hub for military operations and one of the key environments in the film.

"Our experience working with stereoscopic 3D material, both on the movie Journey to the Center of the Earth 3D and through our proprietary View-D technology, more than prepared us for Avatar," said Bond.

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