James Cameron's Avatar breaks Titanic's box office records in India

James Cameron's Avatar has turned out to be a record breaker for producers Fox Star Studios in India. The movie has broken the box office collections of Cameron's previous money spinner – Titanic – in India.

Avatar has grossed Rs 560 million (Rs 56 crore) in India in less than two weeks, and has thereby broken Titanic's record as the highest grosser for 20th Century Fox in India.

Titanic released in India in 1997 and with a total collection of Rs 550 million (Rs 55 crore) was till date the biggest film for Fox in India. It was also one of the all time Top 3 Hollywood films in India along with Spiderman 3 and 2012.

Fox Star Studios, India CEO Vijay Singh said, "Avatar has broken all major records in India and across the globe and is now the biggest film ever for Twentieth Century Fox in India. Despite being in the second week, the collections are only getting stronger and the number of prints is actually increasing in several parts of the country. We are thankful to the audiences and our partners for their support & enthusiasm towards Avatar."

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