Avatar makes history; crosses $1 billion in 3 weeks

James Cameron, the man behind the unstoppable sci-fi hit Avatar, and Sandra Bullock, the co-producer and star of The Blind Side made history on Sunday evening.

While Avatar flew beyond expectations and reached the $1 billion milestone worldwide, the feel-good Bullock film -- which cost one tenth of the $300 million producing cost of Avatar -- passed the $200 million mark in North America. This is the first such milestone for the actress. It is headed for a $230 million total gross in North America. The football-themed drama is about a white family which encourages a young black man to get out of the harm's way and realise his potential.

Movie experts expected Avatar to reach the $1 billion mark but certainly not in just three weeks. Even hugely successful films like The Dark Knight, which cost over $200 million, took over three months to recover the basic production cost.

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