TyRuben Ellingson designs the vehicles of 'Avatar'

Vehicle design
Ellingson was one of the first of a handful of designers hired for “Avatar” and the only hired solely to create vehicles. Other artists were later brought in to work under him.

Ellingson first met Cameron in the early 1990s while working at Lucasfilm’s Industrial Light & Magic, a post-production visual effects company that worked on Cameron’s “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” and “Jurassic Park.”

In 2002, Cameron brought Ellingson in to do some conceptual drawings for a science fiction film that has been put on hold.

He began work on “Avatar” in earnest in 2005 and was full-time on the job for about two years starting in 2006 at Cameron’s Lightstorm Entertainment production company.

“Jim’s approach to making films is sort of like a battle. He created a pretty tight infrastructure of people around him, and I was the lead vehicle guy,” Ellingson said. Ellingson worked one-on-one with Cameron to conceptualize the vehicles and was the point person in designing them, with the exception of two — the Morning Star and the Valkyrie, which were Cameron’s designs.

“Once they’re on the planet’s surface, all the machinery that’s used by the military — the ground vehicles, the flying vehicles, the AMP suit and all the mining equipment — I was the lead designer on,” Ellingson said.

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