Avatar: Good News for 3D TV and Blu-ray?

There's little doubt that James Cameron's much-hyped Avatar will be a hit during its theater run, but what impact will avatar movie the sci-fi epic have on 3D entertainment in the home?

"Avatar," which cost north of $300 million to make, uses state-of-the-art 3D filmmaking techniques to create a visually stunning alien world. The spectacle, rather than the story, is the selling point here, and you can bet that Hollywood will churn out similar fare to capitalize on the 3D craze.

3D at Home?

But will the 3D trend extend to home entertainment, too? In recent months, the consumer electronics industry has been working behind the scenes to build the framework for 3D in the home. The Blu-Ray Disc Association this week announced specifications for creating full 1080p 3D Blu-Ray content. The first 3D-enabled Blu-ray players will likely debut at the Consumer Electronics Show in January.

Meanwhile, major TV manufacturers are hoping 3D TV becomes the next big thing. Sony, for instance, predicts that 3D sets will compose 30 to 50 percent of all the TVs it sells in its 2012 fiscal year.

Avatar's Impact on 3D Blu-ray

Blu-ray's movers and shakers are optimistic that "Avatar" will whet consumers' appetites for home 3D.

"While I have not seen the movie yet myself, I have read enough rave reviews to believe that it could transform a lot of skeptics into 3D believers," writes Pioneer executive Andy Parsons, Chairman of the Blu-ray Disc Association, in an e-mail interview with PC World.

"We have always said that Blu-ray, as was DVD before it, is a content-driven business. With many of the studios now putting enormous resources and creative energy into 3D for the theater, it's only a matter of time before consumers will be striving to achieve a similar experience in their own homes," Parsons adds.

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