Car giant reveals 'Avatar' technology in workshop
Ford has taken the unusual step of revealing two pieces of exclusive technology it uses in car design, including the same technology used to produce the recent blockbuster movie Avatar.

Ford claims that it is the only automaker to use "motion-capture" technology, which captures real-life human movements and transforms them into digital models, to test design concepts. Director James Cameron used the principle extensively in Avatar to bring movement to the film's computer-generated characters. The Human Occupant Package Simulator (HOPS), uses up to 50 motion sensors to track the movement on a real person as they interact with a test vehicle, for example getting into or out of the car. Once the data is stored, technicians can evaluate the movements, change the dimensions of the car or alter the size of its occupants to test designs with precision.

"Before HOPS, the only way to evaluate a given design was to have people get into a vehicle and tell us how they liked it," said Nanxin Wang, Ford technical leader. "Now we can couple this subjective appraisal with objective measurements of their arms, legs and head movements, along with muscular efforts to quantify movement mathematically."

>>> Read more @ The Independent

Avatar And The Blue Oval: Motion-Capture Tech Improves Car Design

The hit 3D animated movie Avatar is just out in theaters, but already the same technology behind the movie is being used to help improve car design by studying how people move when they interact with their cars.

While the basic technology has been around for years now, constant improvements in analyzing and virtualizing the motion capture data help to improve the accuracy of the model and therefore the end result--whether that's a movie like Avatar or a more intuitive and convenient car interior. Ford says it's the only carmaker to use the technology for these purposes.

>>> Read more @ Motor Authority

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