'Avatar' Stays Atop Box Office

Sci-fi epic brings in $75 million in U.S. tickets leading to record box-office weekend; 'Holmes' debuts at No. 2
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Christmas Box Office: Avatar Beats Sherlock and Alvin
Gold bless us, everyone!
Hollywood gave audiences what they wanted, and moviegoers returned the favor by giving the film industry its favorite present: a record-breaking frame at the box office. According to early studio estimates, North Americans spent some $263 million at theaters this Christmas weekend, obliterating the $254 million mark set in July 2008, when The Dark Knight and Mamma Mia! both opened. And what did the multiplex crowds want on the first days of Christmas? Sing along: foreplay from Meryl, three sassy rodents, two blue Pandorans and a sleuth with a killer right hook.

>>> Read more @ Time

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