Everybody’s talking about Avatar!

There were times during the epic journey to bring Avatar to the screen when James Cameron simply had to rely on his natural instincts.

As well as being a consummate filmmaker he is, after all, an explorer at heart – it’s what he dreamed of doing growing up in Canada and has mounted no less than six major underwater expeditions
in the 12 years since he made the Oscar winning Titanic, his last film.

The desire to seek new challenges and overcome obstacles drove Cameron to make Avatar and, along with his team, pioneer the use of ground breaking new technology – to keep pushing forward, when others, perhaps, might have given up in despair.

But Avatar would prove to be his biggest challenge. And for a while, he admits, it simply wasn’t possible to create the world – specifically the far away planet he calls Pandora he wanted to see on the screen.

“With Avatar, despite wanting to push the technology, when we really evaluated it, we felt like we were too many steps away,” he recalls of that original idea back in 1995.

>>> Read more @ Manila Bulletin

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