Avatar movie review: Avatar both 'awesome' and 'disappointing' in theaters

Avatar movie review: Avatar both excites and disappoints at the box office. While most reviews are glowing, some are disappointed with James Cameron's new creation. What are they disappointed with? For the most part, most complaints stem from the story line, which is said to sound like Dances with Wolves. It's also said that as "Titanic" had themes of "Romeo and Juliet", "Avatar" has themes of "Pocahontas."

Still yet, there's one thing everyone agrees on: the special effects are awesome. The Na'vi - the 10 foot tall blue creatures that Sully encounters - are unlike anything ever seen before. The colors, the special effects, everything in this film (which cost hundreds of millions of dollars to produce) are what makes the show so awesome.

Want to see something really great? Go see Avatar in 3D. It is said that the 3D version of the film is phenomenal.

Here are some of the glowing Avatar Reviews from Rotten Tomatoes:

Pay attention to what James Cameron has done with his truly spectacular looking Avatar. This, my friends, is the right way to create a 3D film experience. - Kit Bowen

Pandora is so immersive, its native cultures so well realized that any fantasy novelists watching will surely weep from the world-building gauntlet thrown down. Top this! - Nathaniel Rogers

It stops being a story at all and is instead just a sheer, unmitigated visual and auditory experience, two hours and forty minutes of being exposed to a brand new world. - Tim Brayton

Here are some of the not-so-glowing reviews of Avatar.

This movie takes itself way too seriously; there are no cute or funny moments, no rah, rah, nothing. I didn't love this movie or hate it. It''s one big blurry pile of meh. - Michelle Alexandria

The corniest movie ever made about the white man's need to lose his identity and assuage racial, political, sexual and historical guilt. - Armond White

While visually perfect, Avatar suffers from a story that is unoriginal and a script that lacks emotional connection. However, the last 40 minutes are stunning. - Kevin McCarthy

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