BIG TV is diving into Social Media to promote James Cameron Avatar

Reliance BIG TV Launches Innovative Social Media Campaign on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to Promote James Cameron’s Hollywood mega movie of the year Avatar in India Reliance BIG TV is the official marketing partner of Fox Star, the movie’s distributors in India. The movie is scheduled for theatrical release on 18th December.

Through Social Media Reliance BIG TV hopes to reach a broader audience and engage with customers in a format and arena of their choice that they’re familiar with. Reliance BIG TV believes the online platform provides an interactive mode of communication with its audience and today is an integrated part of communication along the traditional media.

“Reliance BIG TV and AVATAR symbolizes a strong fit between two world leading, innovative organisations who talk to a common target group. Reliance BIG TV’s technologically advanced, path breaking, innovative and futuristic range of offering goes well with Avatar’s universal appeal as one of the technologically most challenging movie of the decade,” said Mr. Umesh Rao, Senior Vice President, Reliance BIG TV DTH.

He added that Reliance BIG TV would continue to add new features on these sites, news, content, promotion, movie updates, videos and post updates in tune with both pre-launch and post-launch of AVATAR in India.

Reliance BIG TV believes there is tremendous synergy between Reliance DTH & Avatar and the common binding thought is both offer viewers an experience beyond imagination. AVATAR is a 3D epic adventure fantasy movie which took four years in the making for Cameron. AVATAR is also the most technologically advanced film Fox has ever made.

At the centre of the initiative is the profile pages, “Reliance BIG TV – AVATAR: Live in it!”, on Twitter, Orkut, Facebook, You Tube, Flickr, Wikipedia, Picasa, DIGG, Myspace and other social media sites, which provides the fans with updates on AVATAR, wall papers, news, content, promotion, movie updates, videos and other India-related content.
Source: Universal Broadcasting-News

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